Did You Lose Your Medicaid / CHIP Coverage? Click Here

Pathways to Coverage is a program of the Nonprofit Health Collaborative funded by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Our team focuses our efforts in serving populations that are largely comprised of uninsured and medically-underserved individuals facing substantial healthcare disparities.
How We Can Help You
Our friendly and knowledgeable healthcare navigators our available year-round to assist you with any health coverage needs or questions you may have.
Apply & Enroll
Whether you're looking at Medicaid, CHIP, or the Healthcare Marketplace, we’re here to help you find the plan that fits your needs best.
Updating & Making Changes to Your Coverage
Life is full of changes. We're here to help ensure your coverage stays up to date, whether you've moved, changed jobs, had a baby or experienced a change in your marital status.
Enrolled in a health plan but unsure how to use it? We can assist you in finding a doctor and accessing the resources you need to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Contact Us
2300 W Commerce St. Suite 301
San Antonio, Texas 78207